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Makes all the major decisions and has all authority over the Murphy Mob.


The position between the Boss and the Underboss acts like an adviser to the Boss and is supposed to help make important decisions based upon fairness and for the good of the Murphy Mob.




Beneath the Boss is the Underboss the second-in-command. Being trained to succeed the Don during unfortunate times or retirement meanwhile supervising the members making sure the organization operates as usual.




Below the Enforcer are the Lieutenants. The number of Lieutenant varied depending upon the overall size of Murphy Mob They operate specific activities given by the Boss. A Lieutenant is regarded to be successful only if others do their join earning money for the Murphy Mob or members carry out assassinations or setups on rivals.





Between the Lieutenants and Underboss is the Enforcer a member of Murphy Mob that specializes in handling those who do not go along with organization policies, rules, or deals. Enforcers are commonly used for collecting information from individuals outside the Murphy Mob. Also work as bodyguards for the Boss.





Below the Enforcers are the Soldiers. They are the fighting force of Murphy. They do all the "dirty work" and as such are generally known for making money for the Murphy Mob or being sent to kill rivals under the orders given by the Boss.





Associates are not actual members of the Murphy Mob but are people involved with our organization

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